
The upcoming 2023 conference of the Religion Collections and Heritage Group may be of interest to Religious Archives Group members.

2023 Conference: Call for Papers
This year’s RCHG conference Re-framing Religious Objects will be generously hosted by St Mungo’s Museum of Religious Life and Art in Glasgow, Scotland, UK to coincide with November Inter-faith Week.
8th–9th  November 2023: sessions will be held virtually on Zoom. 
15th–16th  November 2023: sessions will be held onsite at St Mungo’s Museum of Religious Life and Art in Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 
We welcome papers of 20 minutes on topics and themes connected with religion and collection; this year we would especially like to see submissions with a particular emphasis on community.  
The conference themes include: 
· Spaces and Places  
· Materiality  
· Audiences  
· Archival and Research  
As many panels will be held virtually this is an open and international call-out.  
Delegates will be responsible for funding their own travel and accommodation if delivering a paper in Glasgow. Please specify in your submission if you prefer to present virtually and/or in person. 
How to apply 
Please email 
1.     Include in the subject line: Conference 2023_Submission_YourName 
2.     Attach a separate submission of no more than 300 words and, 
3.     Attach a short biography.
Any questions can be emailed to the address above citing in the subject line: Conference 2023-
Submission deadline: by 1 September 2023.